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Jumat, 19 November 2010

Rantau, South Borneo Tradition

Tradition Moeslim Indonesia

Ma'ayun Maulid
In Ihe Mosque of Al Mukarromah

Ba'ayun tradition of children. Which is one tradition that flourished in the district Tapin, southern Borneo. This his direct tradition in order to "deliver" the Prophet Muhammad SAW, one of the reasons for joy and love of the Prophet Muhammad to the child - the child so the child establish Baayun used as a means to "deliver" him in the Mosque of Al Mukarromah which is located in the village "Banua Halat Kiri ", sub-district of North Tapin.
This tradition held every year to coincide tradition Muslims, commemorating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad which falls on 12 Rabi `Beginning of year Hijri.
Apart from his own district participants Baayun child shall come from a variety of other areas, and terkadaqng Baayun Child participants from among adults was also there because it met a vow or urination.

This kid Baayun tradition began with the reading of Mawlid Al Ethiopia, Lecture Religion and Benediction. Then the Habaib (the elder clergy) rubbing perfume into the hands of community leaders who attended in order to stroke the head of all children under five participants Baayun Child.Then after that then-toddler toddlers who rocked items brought forward to get a caress from Habaib, Alim Ulama and Uamara (Regent / Muspida) Badr Shalawat accompanied by readings that coincided with the beat of drum.Then after dielaus toddler's head was then taken back ketiang ayaunan appropriate registration number, utuk in the swing for a while and then picked up again and his swing was brought home by each parent.Of all these activities very much mengadung philosophical, other than as a means of presenting the Prophet, also contained the intention that the Prophet could intercede terlimpah to everyone who attended. Also besides that citizens "Banua Halat Kiri" believed that children who swung to coincide with the birthday of the Prophet will grow and mature Sifa inherited the noble qualities Prophet Siddiq, Qannah, Fathannah, Amanah, etc.

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Denpasar, Bali Tourism

The world's best beach

Kuta, a paradise for foreign tourists

Kuta Beach is located in south Badung region precisely in the district of Kuta. This beach is known as Sunset Beach / Sunset Beach at dusk because we can freely see the sunset event. Of course this incident will always ditungu awaited by domestic and foreign tourists. For those who like to photography, it is clear this place is a pity to miss the place to take pictures of sunsets.

Then how in the afternoon? clearly the temperature is very hot! .. In the afternoon the tourists, especially tourists from Europe, America, and Australia take advantage of hot weather Kuta beach for sunbathing. There is also a surf in the middle of the towering waves.
Along the street of Legian, many found artshop that offer various kinds of handicrafts with Balinese motifs. There are many types of options that are available in artshop handicrafts such as statues, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc..

Magelang, Center Java Tourism

Venue history

Borobudur, the Biggest Buddhist Temple in the 9th Century

Who does not know Borobudur? This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in the complex. Millions of people are yearning to visit the buildings included in this World Wonder Heritages. No wonder, for the architectural and function as a place of worship, Borobudur is attractive heart.

Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom, Dynasty descendant dynasty. Based Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur is a place of worship was completed on 26 May 824, almost a hundred years from the time the construction. The name of Borobudur, as some people means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while the other says that Borobudur means monastery on the high ground.

Borobudur-shaped building with staircase punden consists of 10 levels. Height 42 meters before it was renovated and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level is used as a drag. Six lowest level of a square and three levels on top of a circle and one of the highest levels of Buddhist stupa facing to the west. Each level represents the stages of human life. In accordance madhhabs Mahayana Buddhism, every person who wants to reach the level as the Buddha had to through every level of life is.

The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizing human beings that are still bound by lust. Four levels above referred Rupadhatu symbolizes man who had to break free from lust but still bound manner and form. On this terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space. Meanwhile, three levels above where the Buddhist stupas are laid in holes called Arupadhatu, symbolizing man who has been free from lust, appearance, and shape. The top part is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.

Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful. Relief that will be read coherently when you walk in a clockwise direction (towards the left of the entrance of the temple). The relief panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. In addition, there are relief panels describing the condition of society at that time. For example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of the voyage who was based in Bergotta (Semarang).

All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect the Buddha's teachings. Hence, this temple functions as educating the media for people who want to learn Buddhism. YogYES invites you to surround each of the narrow alleys of Borobudur for to understand the philosophy of Buddhism. Atisha, a Buddhist from India in the 10th century, had visited the temple that was built 3 centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 4 centuries before the Grand Cathedrals in Europe.

Thanks to visiting Borobudur and armed with a script from Serlingpa Buddhism (one of the king of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya), Atisha was able to develop Buddhism. He became head Vikramasila monastery and taught Tibetans of practicing Dharma. Six manuscripts of Serlingpa was condensed into a core course called "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" or better known by the name Bodhipathapradipa.

One of the questions still unanswered about Borobudur is how the condition around the temple was built and why the temple was found in the buried state. Some say Borobudur initially stood surrounded by a swamp and then buried by the eruption of Merapi. Calcutta is essentially the inscription reads 'Amawa' means sea of milk. The word is then interpreted as lava of Merapi. Some other says that Borobudur buried by cold lava of Merapi.

With all the grandeur and mystery that is, only natural that many people from all world penjru include Borobudur as a place worth visiting in his life. Besides enjoying the temple, you can walk around to the villages around Borobudur, like Karanganyar and Wanurejo to view the activities of local crafts. You also can go to the top watu Kendil to be able to view a panorama from the top of Borobudur. Why wait? No need to worry about an earthquake May 27, 2006, because of Borobudur is not affected at all.

Bogor, West Java Tourism

Place of Recreation family fun

Garden Safari Indonesia (Taman Safari Indonesia)
Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) is located in the Village District Cibeureum Cisarua, a recreational vehicle that was quite interesting to visit. Many interesting objects found in many areas of collecting various types of these animals, among them, safari park, bird park, animal education show, prmates & Reptiles, Babby zoo, Ferris wheel, elephant and horse riding, safari trek, caravans and hotels and wild-wild west.
For the latter vehicle, a vehicle that is interesting to watch. The show is done in an arena that gives a chance cowboy style, with cowboy attractions skyline. This show can be watched free of charge every day, for about 15 minutes. In addition to these rides, there are other more interesting facilities, such as the baby zoo, on this ride you can take pictures together with white tigers, leopards, orangutans, and others.
Recently, TSI launched the spacecraft and new programs, namely Elephant Adventure. The program invites visitors to ride on the backs of elephants around the area of TSI for almost an hour at a rate of only 50 thousand per person each way. Each tail of an elephant, accompanied by his keeper and can be boarded four adults.
Elephants will pass through the grassy path, and past the water flow so that visitors can really enjoy the natural scenery in the TSI.

Wild-Wild West

 During this time you may often see the attraction of the cowboy in the movie on television. The scene of the chase, shooting each other and these quarrels certainly be interesting and a spectacle of entertainment in the home.
But have you ever seen a cowboy attractions that directly? if you want to see it, you do not need all the way to her native country in the U.S. there, but enough to Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) in Cisarua, Bogor.
In the TSI you can watch it on the Wild-Wild West rides in the back of the TSI. To see the show, manager of TSI does not charge, or free. You simply pay the ticket admission ticket at the front gate TSI.
Cowboy show is held every day at two o'clock. The audience is provided a seat in the stands with a semicircular setting. So all performances can be seen clearly from above the stands. Ringkihan sound horses, guns and dynamite the cowboys, as if being so close, because the effect of the sound system is installed.
Yes, that's how TSI presents interesting performances to his guests. If you are interested, please come to the TSI

Tarutung, North Andalas

Natural beauty is cool and fun

Lake Toba

If your visit to Lake Toba, you may be surprised to find the lake is more like the ocean than the lake. The atmosphere is cool and refreshing, beautiful scenery and charming, with mountains that surround this area may make you feel at home. Samosir Island is located proudly in the middle of the island. In the midst of Samosir, there was the lake again, adding to the uniqueness of this resort.
Lake Toba is about 1700 square meters with a depth of approximately 450 meters. Located 906 meters above sea level, this place is a paradise for many interesting plants. Some people who enjoy the scenery of sunrise and sunset in this region say that Lake Toba makes them forget all their problems - even though for a while.

Getting There 

By using a rental car from the city of Medan, Parapat you can reach in less than 4 hours. Parapat is located about 185 kilometers away from the capital of North Sumatra. You can also use the bus or join a tour to visit this lake.

Where to Stay 

Numerous inns and hotels is available at Parapat. Some hotels even provide facilities like swimming pool and jacuzzi to pamper its guests.

You can go by boat to reach Samosir Island.

Dining Guide
Many restaurants are established in this area. You can also sample local food at the hotel or inn.

Souvenirs like T shirts, hats, key chains, and so can you buy in Medan, Parapat, or on the island of Samosir. At Tuk Tuk you can buy handicrafts typical of the Batak tribe unique - for example ulos, unique carvings, Batak calendar, traditional musical instruments, and so forth.

Things to See or Do
You can swim in the lake, or climb the boat around the lake. You can also visit Samosir Island to see the traditional house of Batak kings of ancient times were the king's tomb in the territory of Tomok. Golf courses are also available for those fond of this one sport.

- Bring a jacket and hat. This place is probably pretty cool for some people.
- Bring your swimsuit and your sports equipment.

Selasa, 16 November 2010

Information about Indonesian Country;

 Indonesia Capital Is Jakarta, Indonesia also has 34 districts, among others the following:   

Andalas Island:
  1. Nangroe Aceh Darussallam capital is Banda Aceh
  2. NorthAndalas capital is Medan
  3. West Andalas capital is Padang
  4. Bengkulu capital is Bengkulu
  5. Jambi capital is Jambi
  6. Riau Islands capital is Tanjung Pinang
  7. Riau capital is Pekanbaru
  8. South Andalas capital is Palembang
  9. Bangka Belitung capital is Pangkal Pinang
  10. Lampung capital is Bandar Lampung
Java Island:
  1. D.K.I Jakarta capital is Jakarta
  2. Banten capital is Serang
  3. West Java capital is Bandung
  4. Center Java capital is Semarang
  5. East Java capital is Surabaya
  6. D.I Yongyakarta is Yongyakarta
Borneo Island:
  1. South Borneo capital is Banjarmasin
  2. East Borneo capital is Samarinda
  3. Center Borneo capital is Palangkaraya
  4. West Borneo capital is Pontianak
Sunda Islands:
  1. Bali capital is Denpasar
  2. West Sunda Island capital is Mataram
  3. East Sunda Island capital is Kupang
Sulawesi Island:
  1. South Sulawesi capital is Makasar
  2. North Sulawesi capital is Manado
  3. Center Sulawesi capital is Palu
  4. Southeast Sulawesi capital is Kendari
  5. Gorontalo capital is Gorontalo
  6. West Sulawesi capital is  Mamuju
Moluccas Islands:
  1. Moluccas capital is Ambon
  2. North Moluccas capital is Ternate
Papua Island:
  1. Papua capital is Jayapura
  2. West Papua capital is Manokwari

Martapura, South Borneo Tourism



       The waterfall Panayar not far from Artain villager of Aranio in Tanjungan river, in 232 m of highof sea and have a background a beautiful tree of virgin forest with shape square 4 water in higher 12 meter. Down in deep cold water and clean, a treasure with the rock a natural view so are clean tired with the trip.
       One of tourist attraction is adventure in Kahung valley, a virgin tropical forest with lure atmosphare. it seven storey waterfall which have eight meter wide will amazed you with it clearly and coldness just like snow. Here, you also could find various kind of plants and animals.