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Rabu, 17 November 2010

Bogor, West Java Tourism

Place of Recreation family fun

Garden Safari Indonesia (Taman Safari Indonesia)
Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) is located in the Village District Cibeureum Cisarua, a recreational vehicle that was quite interesting to visit. Many interesting objects found in many areas of collecting various types of these animals, among them, safari park, bird park, animal education show, prmates & Reptiles, Babby zoo, Ferris wheel, elephant and horse riding, safari trek, caravans and hotels and wild-wild west.
For the latter vehicle, a vehicle that is interesting to watch. The show is done in an arena that gives a chance cowboy style, with cowboy attractions skyline. This show can be watched free of charge every day, for about 15 minutes. In addition to these rides, there are other more interesting facilities, such as the baby zoo, on this ride you can take pictures together with white tigers, leopards, orangutans, and others.
Recently, TSI launched the spacecraft and new programs, namely Elephant Adventure. The program invites visitors to ride on the backs of elephants around the area of TSI for almost an hour at a rate of only 50 thousand per person each way. Each tail of an elephant, accompanied by his keeper and can be boarded four adults.
Elephants will pass through the grassy path, and past the water flow so that visitors can really enjoy the natural scenery in the TSI.

Wild-Wild West

 During this time you may often see the attraction of the cowboy in the movie on television. The scene of the chase, shooting each other and these quarrels certainly be interesting and a spectacle of entertainment in the home.
But have you ever seen a cowboy attractions that directly? if you want to see it, you do not need all the way to her native country in the U.S. there, but enough to Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) in Cisarua, Bogor.
In the TSI you can watch it on the Wild-Wild West rides in the back of the TSI. To see the show, manager of TSI does not charge, or free. You simply pay the ticket admission ticket at the front gate TSI.
Cowboy show is held every day at two o'clock. The audience is provided a seat in the stands with a semicircular setting. So all performances can be seen clearly from above the stands. Ringkihan sound horses, guns and dynamite the cowboys, as if being so close, because the effect of the sound system is installed.
Yes, that's how TSI presents interesting performances to his guests. If you are interested, please come to the TSI

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